🗣️Week 05 | Oct 7
"Some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun/ But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one" -- "Love Love Love", The Mountain Goats
Last updated
"Some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun/ But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one" -- "Love Love Love", The Mountain Goats
Last updated
Alex unpacks The Sandman
Crits of Remixes and Do Something, Do Something Else
READ Walter Benjamin Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
WRITE an initial two paragraph response to the Benjamin reading OR your own Creation 05, below [post to the Discord, also share as a doc in your folder on the class google drive]
CREATION 05 How Do I Love Thee, Let me Count the Prompts