Your project! Ready for installation on or before December 13 (maybe December 12), with the expectation you will be present for both exhibition and setup. You must also upload all files and documentation to your course folder.
Your presentation! Ready for you to show your classmates and our visiting critics in the classroom on December 9th to prepare you for the final show. This should be a slide deck with a 5-7 minute presentation. Primarily this slide deck should include documentation of the project itself, NOT preliminary research, ideation documentation, etc...
Your artist statement! Like the one you tested out on Creation 08, this should be a statement prepared to be displayed alongside your final project.
Your team's work! Whatever aspect of the exhibition you have signed up to work on must be ready on or before (depending on what it is) December 13. Materials and Promotion team members must make sure to have items avaiable early-- you can't promote a show the day it starts, for instance, and your classmates need materials to set up and work with much earlier.
Last updated