πŸ“¦ End of Semester Deliverables


1) In your student folder on the Class Google Drive here. UPLOAD all files pertaining to your πŸ›£ End Term Project(all *final* [working] file iterations) that have not already been uploaded to your google folder or posted on your process blogs. *For big project files, upload zipped files or packages instead.

2) Submit a 3-10 minute recording in mp4 format of your End Term Project. This should also be copied to your Class Google Drive. Make sure the sharing settings make it assessible to me.

3) Self Assessment: Any action without reflection is meaningless. Real learning only occurs as part of a reflective process. Reflection is studying your own practice as seriously as you study anything. It involves thinking about why, what, and how you create something. In any learning situation you should study beforehand, make/do, reflect, adjust, and do it all over again. Learning happens in a cycle.

You will synthesize what you have posted on your process blog regarding readings, viewings, demos, class visitors, cohort group discussions, and creative process in your micro and macro projects. Your self assessment should have a minimum of three citations from lectures, weekly discussions, and/or readings/viewings/demos.


A complete list of micro assignments, VRLs, and project expectations will be below by Week 12 for you to use as a Check Off List.

Last updated