Our aspirations are wrapped up in books / Our inclinations are hidden in looks -- "Wrapped Up in Books", Belle & Sebastian
Going forward please turn in assignments by 3pm on Monday, so that we can review them before class!
Your prof Carla G has a solo exhibition opening THIS Friday, with a press release written by your other prof A.V.M.
All info here
Discussion and Crits
Alex: Barthes discussion
Eric Demo and Install: Pytorch 1hour 1/2
Click here to proceed: https://github.com/SuperTornadox/AI_Studio_DCGAN/tree/main
If time: Carla and Alex: Crits of Creation 03: Remix
****ERIC'S EMAIL for THIS WEEK: Eric He, xh2815@nyu.edu****
READ E.T.A. Hoffmann's "The Sandman":
WATCH (optional) Ballet Coppelia which is based on this short story
READ "My AI Lover" (watch this one on the NYT website directly so you can view the documentary the text refers to-- you can view it free with a trial account)
WRITE a two paragraph response to one or more of the above readings/viewings [post to the Discord, also share as a doc in your folder on the class google drive]
CREATION 04 Do Something and Do Something Else