Project Proposal Guide
Total suggested wordcount: 500
Things to Include (not necessarily in this order):
1. Major themes of your work (ideas, aesthetic sensibilities, other artworks, things you want it to look or feel like)
2. Conceptual framework (what are the theoretical ideas behind your project, why you’re doing what you’re doing, what’s the bigger concept behind it)
3. Title of your proposed project—if you know it yet, just feel free to put a guess or TBA, or also go with “Untitled”
4. What software or other methods, including analog, you’re thinking about using.
5. Exhibition ideas if you have any at this point
6. Influences: other artists, texts, films, etc.
7. Bibliography: List three relevant sources, which can include texts we’ve read in our class. Reserve images and other visual material for your Project Moodboard.
This project proposal is intended to give us a framework for your 2 on 1 meeting, but also for you as you work toward your final project for exhibition. Think of it as a plan of action going forward, but know you can always change it at any time after too!